Sep 22, 2007

Paul Graham: College was regarded as job training where I grew up, so studying philosophy seemed an impressively impractical thing to do. Sort of like slashing holes in your clothes or putting a safety pin through your ear..

Dr. Gregory House: Nonconformity, right.. I can’t remember the last time I saw a twenty-something with a tattoo. You want to be a rebel? Stop being cool. Wear a pocket protector. Get a haircut.


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Sep 22, 2007
Ruby, unlike less flexible languages, lets you alter the value of a constant.


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Sep 21, 2007
The great lesson of direct mail was that long letters always do better than short ones. That’s because once you’ve sold me, I’ll stop reading. But if I’m not sold and I get to the end, you lose.

It’s okay to be long, if you’re chunky.


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Sep 19, 2007
I don’t have time to test on Opera. Sucks to be Opera. Startup web browsers don’t stand a chance.


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Sep 18, 2007
If you discover that users are afraid or resistant to what you’re trying to get them to do, more information is almost always the incorrect response. The effective technique involves peer pressure and support.


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Sep 17, 2007
When you’re working on something that isn’t released, problems are intriguing. In something that’s out there, problems are alarming.


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Sep 15, 2007
We conservatives are fonder of old ways than you [liberals] are. That’s in our definition. Some of our people are obtuse; so are some of yours. While we second-guess the status quo less than you do, we second-guess putative reforms more than you do. Our standard of “information” is a bit tougher than the blips and fads you fall for. Sometimes, these inclinations lead us astray. But over the long run, they’ve served us and society pretty well. It’s just that you notice all the times we were wrong and ignore all the times we were right.


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Sep 14, 2007
Individual units at Google don’t have to worry about making money, they don’t all have to be profitable. Most of them are just there to make the consumer happy. One of the things that consumers do when they’re happy is view ads, and we get paid for that.


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Sep 14, 2007
Arrogance without humility is a recipe for high-concept irrelevance; humility without arrogance guarantees unending mediocrity. Figuring out how to be arrogant and humble at once, figuring out when to watch users and when to ignore them for this particular problem, for these users, today, is the problem of the designer.


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Sep 14, 2007
If you’ve got ideas, let them go. They’re probably holding you back from the hard work of actually executing.


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RSS (?)
twtxt (?)
Station (?)