Jun 2, 2007
..the majority of ad clicks are coming from these one-time visitors looking for information. New visitors to a site love to click on anything that brings them closer to their goal, and often times that’s an ad. Do your best users a favor and think about turning off ads for them. It’s unlikely to make a dent in your bottom line but will pay off with a better user experience for your site’s biggest fans.


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Jun 2, 2007
Google places tips for testing your code next to each toilet and above every urinal. Tips are swapped out about every week.


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Jun 2, 2007
..the presence of a widely accepted, half-assed attempt at a type of software is actually worse than no solution at all..


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Jun 2, 2007
With strong types, and automated testing, you have the machine support to move the code faster and further.

Keep your code pure [functional], so you can test harder..

Pick a data structure that embeds the semantics of the domain you’re modelling..

Don Stewart on the lessons learnt developing xmonad


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Jun 2, 2007
Specialization is for insects.


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Jun 2, 2007
You can represent more light levels on grey paper — shading can be done in black pencil, and highlights can be added in white.


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Jun 2, 2007
  • Me: When I see your friends after many years I realize how much time has passed.
  • Mummy: When I see my friends I feel young again, like I am back in Uni-Y.


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Jun 2, 2007
Google is letting its legal team get out of hand.


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Jun 2, 2007
We need oil not just for driving but also for food. Going back to a less intensive mode of agriculture implies less dense living, less transportation of foodstuffs, and not eating fruit out of season. The real response to our dependence on cars: less transportation, more communication. Less moving around in the real world, more in cyberspace.
my response to the urban archipelago thesis


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Jun 2, 2007
It’s time for the Democrats to face reality: They are the party of urban America.

..urban life and urban values are the only sustainable response to the modern age of holy war, environmental degradation, and global conflict.

“The urban archipelago” goes a little overboard in developing an interesting theme


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