Jul 8, 2007
Now that Warne is retired from the international scene and the media seem content to let him lead a peaceful existence, it’s become obvious his celebrity was mostly related to his genius as a cricketer.


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Jul 8, 2007
The probables for India’s Twenty20 campaign not only include Irfan Pathan but also his elder brother Yusuf.


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Jul 7, 2007
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.


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Jul 7, 2007
It used to be a fun trick to go through pg’s essays and look for axed ideas in comments. Too bad it doesn’t work here.


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Jul 7, 2007
Javascript does stuff, HTML displays stuff. When you want the browser to do things (instead of merely displaying dumbly what it receives) and when these things themselves involve a lot of displaying, you end up writing HTML through Javascript. It’s a little like writing French through English (André went to Marie and said: ”Bonjour! Ça va, ma chérie?”) and just as frustrating, particularly because you sometimes have to narrate whole scenes in French (pidgin tends to be painfully verbose)..
eliazar on Hyperscript, about to be added into prototype


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Jul 7, 2007
Under Malaysia’s Islamic law, having Muslim parents makes one a Muslim and, as such, one is not allowed to change one’s faith or marry a non-Muslim.


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Jul 5, 2007
Low back pain is the #2 reason that Americans see their doctor — second only to colds and flus.


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Jul 5, 2007
The way to keep conversations meaningful is to keep conversations separate.


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Jul 5, 2007
Google employees get distracted during conversation by mentally rereading their NDA and figuring out what they can say, can’t say, and can’t say that they can’t say. It just gets worse if you keep talking and extrapolating (that is to say, holding a conversation) because you’re giving them O(n^2 interrelations + m potential suggestions from them) more topics to analyze. I’ve never quite managed to crash them, but I imagine it’s entirely possible given the NP nature of conversations.


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Jul 5, 2007
How long will it be before there’s a Gitpedia, where everyone has their own custom version, pulling from the authors and editors they trust and respect?


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