Apr 14, 2007
Write when you’re filled with wonder. If you wait until you’re an expert, it’s too late.


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Apr 14, 2007
..getting nonprofit funding generally requires strong connections to wealthy benefactors, which we didn’t have; investors in tech startups [Ed: just?] want to see a chance of a big monetary win..


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Apr 14, 2007
It is curious that the two major superclusters in the local Universe — Perseus-Pisces and the Great Attractor — lie at similar distances on opposite sides of the LG, and that both are partially obscured by the Zone of Avoidance [galactic plane].


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Apr 14, 2007
..the Great Attractor is an extended region of moderately enhanced galaxy density [a supercluster] centered behind the Galactic Plane.


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Apr 14, 2007
Our Galaxy is part of the Local Group (LG) of galaxies, a small, gravitationally bound group of galaxies consisting of a few bright spiral galaxies and about 2 dozen dwarf galaxies. Our LG lies in the outskirts of the Local Supercluster, a flattened structure of about 30 Mpc, centered on the Virgo galaxy cluster containing a few thousand galaxies including numerous dwarfs..

..a major part of the peculiar motion of the LG is generated by a few average, but nearby, galaxies. In this sense, the detection of other nearby galaxies hidden by the obscuration of the Galaxy can be as important as the detection of entire clusters at larger distances.


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Apr 14, 2007
The United States produces remarkably incompetent 21-year-olds and remarkably competent 30-year-olds.


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Apr 14, 2007
A low GI [Glycemic Index] food will release glucose more slowly and steadily. A high GI food causes a more rapid rise in blood glucose levels and is suitable for energy recovery after endurance exercise..


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Apr 14, 2007
The Great Attractor is a gravity anomaly in intergalactic space.. 250 million light years from the Milky Way.. a localised concentration of mass equivalent to tens of thousands of galaxies..


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Apr 14, 2007
..simply being a part of YCombinator alleviates suspicion of all of the bad aspects of being a dog (lack of credibility, obvious inexperience, youthful stupidity) and also exposes all of the good aspects (mostly, the publicity, and perhaps the fact that you’re more in touch with what’s new and hot).


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Apr 14, 2007
Google’s acquisitions chief is looking for crazy ideas [that] ignore the usual restraints of investment levels required or design parameters or ‘Gee I need more servers than anyone ever thought was possible’.. We don’t do traffic for traffic’s sake. It has to be highly monetizable.


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