Sep 2, 2007
I actually like arguing (sometimes a bit too much ;^), so the occasional flame-fest really does nothing but get me pumped up.

At the same time, I’m pretty good at just letting it go. I don’t tend to get too hung up about any particular detail (even if in the heat of a “discussion” I can be very forceful about them). In the end I seldom end up caring really deeply about many of the technical choices: I tend to care much more about improving the general development model than about the details of some particular subsystem. I’ll state my opinions, but even if I’m convinced I’m right, if I’m not actually willing to write the code, in the end I’ll happily be overridden by the people who do write the code.

Part of that is also having to occasionally just admit that you were wrong, and having the ability to send out a “mea culpa” email saying so.

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