Oct 25, 2007
Nobody in academia seems to like Hofstadter or Minsky.

The neuroscientists deplore the absence of rigorous experiments and the refusal to canvass the relevant experimental literature thoroughly. Where are the data? The philosophers of mind find few formal arguments and a frustratingly cavalier refusal to define their terms at the outset. Where are the proofs? The cognitive psychologists are offended that they don’t see the need to adjudicate between all the competing models and theories that have been painstakingly developed and defended, and instead offer their own impressionistic and oversimplified sketches. Where are the models that make testable predictions? The artificial intelligence crowd wants to see a running demo program. Where is the code? It’s all just speculation! And then there is the style, too clever and playful, apparently written for bright high school students, not professors and graduate students.

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