Aug 30, 2021
The Mu computer now loads 140KB of Unicode glyphs from its system font

Unicode blocks now supported: latin, greek, cyrillic, armenian, hebrew, arabic, syriac, thaana, n'ko, indian (ISCII), sinhala, thai, lao, tibetan, myanmar, georgian (< U+1100)


  • No support for combining characters yet ( This makes the other languages I know (Hindi, Tamil) well-nigh useless.
  • Unifont's glyphs for the non-Latin languages I know turn out to be quite spectacularly ugly.

A Qemu window showing a pidgin sentence in Hindi ('chhat kam bas sach' which I squint and translate as 'a low roof, that's the truth,' as close to a motto for Mu as I can get without _matras_ or combining characters).

Further down, a single word in Tamil ('nada' or 'walk')

Comments gratefully appreciated. Please send them to me by any method of your choice and I'll include them here.

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