Mar 13, 2022
Beginnings of a way to link to arbitrary lines in a text file.

One thing Zettelkasten and Roam provide that my system of text files doesn't is the ability to hyperlink to an arbitrary line in any file in the corpus. I don't think Org-mode has that either.

Line numbers break if I go back and edit above them. I could maintain a table of line hashes somewhere, but that'll get thrown off by small changes to the line, or even reformatting a paragraph.

Idea: just pick the first letter of each word.

Here's how you turn a line of text into an id:

$ echo '  The quick brown fox jumped over' | sed 's/^\s*//' | sed 's/\([^ ]\)[^ ]* */\1/g'

And here's how you search for the file containing a given id:

$ grep "$(echo Tqbfjo |sed 's/./\\<&.*/g')" . -rl

If the line gets reformatted and the line gets split between two others, just search for prefixes or suffixes of the id.

As a fork of Lua, Teliva has always had a copy of the Lua manual. I finally brought it up to date.

Sections for capabilities Teliva takes away (mostly the C API which compromises sandboxing) are deleted. New sections are highlighted in magenta.

The table of contents should give a sense of the new parts.

In particular I'm kinda proud of Teliva's new File I/O primitives

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Comments gratefully appreciated. Please send them to me by any method of your choice and I'll include them here.

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