May 28, 2007
OCaml is the practical Haskell.

OCaml is functional, statically typed, and blazingly fast. With OCaml you go from asking why your code is spending 70% of its time collecting garbage to actually trying to polish your code. GHC takes 2-3-4 minutes to rebuild my project whenever I touch the parser. Ocaml takes 1-2-3 seconds. With Haskell I was loath to touch the parser or my syntax tree definition, with OCaml I look forward to tweaking things to my hearts content.

Polymorphic variants in OCaml make creating “macros” easy.. This is not possible in Haskell without boxing your data..

OCaml has built-in marshalling which lets you easily dump data to disk and load it back.’s not hard to marshall your data with Haskell, but it has to be done manually.

Comments gratefully appreciated. Please send them to me by any method of your choice and I'll include them here.

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