May 28, 2007
If you want to pass your message across, you have to look into the other’s persons eye at least 75% of the time when listening and at least 90% when speaking.

During a group conversation, looking into someone’s eyes is the prominent way to regulate who will speak next. I will look at you before I open my mouth.

Avoiding gaze, also known as gaze aversion, has a basic reason: We tend to think better when we don’t look into someones eyes.

If you are in a business environment and would like to be emotionally detached, it is better to look between the eyes.

If you are in a flirting situation, you can go for the triangular gazing: You shift between his/her left eye, then the right eye and finally the lips.

If you want an emotional result from the other person look at him/her in the soft eye. That will probably be his left one, or the right one as you see it.

Remember to smile..

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