I tried and failed to implement Bresenham's line algo. Horizontal and
vertical lines work.
No macros => lots of lambdas.
The computer keeps crashing because I type too fast (still can't brain interrupt handlers). It frequently saves to disk, but as an s-expression. Reboots lose indentation.
Ok, edit on host -> create disk image.
I have lots of little buffers. When they overflow the computer crashes.
Without a call stack.
The bug wasn't in Mu or in Bresenham. I just typoed when I edited the disk image 😂
Still lots of catastrophic bugs that require editing the disk image. The disk is clobbered on reboot because I added support for reading multiple sectors from disk but still only write one sector.
A rudimentary, hokey capability system. No mouse yet. 'screen' is only used for text; pixel graphics currently go around it. 'data-disk' can't access code, and will eventually include finer-grained restrictions.
It wouldn't have been possible without the lovely folks over on #osdev. And the inspiration of ColorForth (https://merveilles.town/@akkartik/105906716550232992), though I still don't understand how that driver works.
For starters I focused just on making things more discoverable. These files are optimized for opening in your text editor, jumping to definitions to see type signatures, etc. See https://github.com/akkartik/mu/blob/main/editor/exuberant_ctags_rc for a ctags configuration for Mu and SubX programs.