Jul 2, 2022
Exporting files created by lines.love to markdown+SVG

This is a feature that doesn't have to be bundled with the main app.




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Jun 26, 2022
Notes for a new note-taking app in my existing note-taking system, augmented with basic line drawings.

Extremely jank, but still oh so much better than not having pictures at all.

(List based on these notes by Yoshiki Schmitz)

Properties uniformly desired everywhere in a new note-taking UI, along with a picture showing major relationships between properties.


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Jun 14, 2022
Call me Kartik. I have a way of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I become intolerable to my family--then, I account it high time to write some more tests as soon as I can.

20 new tests, 700 LoC, 33% LoC now devoted to tests.

Check out the changes.

Feeling much better 🙏 Now bracing to find out what I broke today.

Experiment: two ways of drawing polygons.

In the first, I have more control over the vertices and can make irregular polygons. The second is more expressive for making regular polygons, and just looks cooler.


Drawing a square by drawing one edge.


Drawing a square with center and radius.


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Jun 9, 2022
This is a first: I ran a profiler to see where my app was feeling sluggish -- and the sluggishness disappeared! Magic profiler!

Turns out it was disabling LuaJIT. So I've now (temporarily? permanently?) disabled LuaJIT in lines.love

Maybe this kind of text processing isn't CPU intensive enough that a JIT can help? I have no idea which way is up anymore.


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Jun 8, 2022
An engaging couple of days of reading. Things I've been exchanging lots of little messages about with across different circles:


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Jun 6, 2022
This is the best content. I am here for this.


And no, it's not random or trolling.

"Follow for surreal gamedev. I'm making a Lovecraftian text editor called Tentacle Typer."



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May 31, 2022
Gravity simulation for the kids

It's amazing how short the core of Newton's law of gravity is:

theta = angle(sun.x,sun.y, sat.x, sat.y)
dist = distance(sun.x,sun.y, sat.x,sat.y)
accelx = K*cos(theta)/dist/dist
accely = K*sin(theta)/dist/dist
velx = velx + dt*accelx
vely = vely + dt*accely
posx = posx + velx
posy = posy + vely


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May 4, 2022
I finally, *really* grok immediate-mode GUIs. Compare `draw_menu`.



Now I don't need variables to record where the buttons are, and code for button events lives near code for drawing the button.


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May 3, 2022
Shower thought: we delay teaching kids geometry until we can trust them not to poke someone's eye out with the pointy end of a compass.

Here's a little program to do compass-and-straightedge geometrical construction on a computer.

Constructing a second line (in black) parallel to a given line (red) passing through a given point.


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Apr 23, 2022
First programming lesson for 4yo: how to make a U-turn when all you have is a left-turn. How to make a right-turn when all you have is a left-turn.


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