Aug 23, 2022
I just added hyperlinks to my text editor in 35 lines of Lua

Here's the code.

Deep in the guts of the renderer, right before it renders a fragment of text, check if it's a file, and turn it into my button abstraction if so.

Caveats: links can't wrap over multiple lines, links can't contain spaces.

Incredibly inefficient, to check the file system for every single word. So it's in a fork for now while I decide just what to do with this new super power.

It's interesting to compare this approach with Gemini.

Gemini: links on their own line, support arbitrary link text.

Me: inline links are ok, but the text will always be the URL.


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Aug 14, 2022
As preparation for tomorrow's wheel reinvention jam, I just created a fork of with all the drawing support ripped out. Time to take it in a new direction.


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Aug 7, 2022
Idea for a new tool

Drop a Mastodon or HN URL on a window, and it constructs a more dense 2D graphical layout for a thread.

  • Separate card for each comment.
  • Ideal readable width per card.
  • Short arrows from comments to their replies.
  • Keyboard shortcuts to pan along semantically to sibling or child.


  • It needs the network, obviously.
  • Zero contact with file-system.



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Aug 4, 2022
Current state of my note-taking app

Things of note:

  • Operates on a hard-coded directory of text files.
  • No overlapping, no tiling, just an infinite 2D surface of columns. Commands open new columns.
  • Wordstar-style menu up top of important commands in current context, and their shortcuts.
  • Command palette at top left that filters commands available in current context.
  • Files/nodes can have links. Links can form graphs, as the picture shows (original:
  • Links have labels (next/previous by default).
  • Graph-traversal commands can take an argument (next/previous by default) of the edge label you want to follow.
  • 'add' adds an edge immediately to the current node, 'append' traverses the edge repeatedly to the end, then adds.
  • 'step' navigates along an edge from the current node and opens it in a new column, 'unroll' traverses the edge repeatedly to the end and collects all nodes into a single column.

add:append :: step:unroll


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Aug 2, 2022
I'm doing a major migration of my notes schema to make it work better with my note-taking app. In the process I've been reading a random (mostly embarrassing) sampling of 10+ years of notes. But here's a non-embarrassing one:

Jun 2012: I need fuck you software.

That pretty much explains why I started Mu 2 years later :D


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Jul 29, 2022
Did I miss the discussion of Robin Sloan's new protocol proposal?


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Jul 27, 2022
I've been working on a note-taking program

To be precise, I've been migrating my existing 10+ year old note-taking workflows out of terminal and unix tools into a more integrated and hopefully more accessible environment.

Not released yet, but here's a demo. (5 minutes; mirror)


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Jul 24, 2022
The burning ship fractal

image of the fractal at the

That whole friggin' site is incredible.


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Jul 2, 2022
Exporting files created by to markdown+SVG

This is a feature that doesn't have to be bundled with the main app.



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Jun 26, 2022
Notes for a new note-taking app in my existing note-taking system, augmented with basic line drawings.

Extremely jank, but still oh so much better than not having pictures at all.

(List based on these notes by Yoshiki Schmitz)

Properties uniformly desired everywhere in a new note-taking UI, along with a picture showing major relationships between properties.


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RSS (?)
twtxt (?)
Station (?)