Mar 11, 2024
Ok, this Sokoban puzzle seems playable now.

Still no scoring or really persistence of any kind. Just one step of undo (easy to extend if needed).

Credit again to lcamtuf for the sprites and for curating classic puzzles from the past.

Detail on a simple Sokoban level to highlight the individual sprites. A Sokoban puzzle shaped like a horse. A Sokoban puzzle shaped like a butterfly. A Sokoban puzzle shaped like a heart.


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Mar 5, 2024
I just opened a terminal, did a double-take and knew instantly there was a leap year bug in code I wrote almost 25 years ago.

Somehow I didn't run into it the last 5 times it could have happened.


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Mar 2, 2024
This free, open source puzzle game is so fun.


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Feb 26, 2024
From Cristóbal Sciutto, self-contained HTML page that can write to itself

Like Tiddlywiki, but just view source on this beauty:

Thanks Gordon Brander


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Feb 23, 2024
A quick and dirty cross-platform charting "library" in 200 lines that can crappily plot half the different kinds of charts out there on your computer or phone. And you can do surgery to it right on your phone.

I think I would never have gotten around to publishing this one if I'd known how much work proof-reading it was going to be.

Screenshot of Lua Carousel showing a two overlaid scatterplots, one in blue and one in red. Screenshot of Lua Carousel plotting two time sequences of data using lines. Screenshot of Lua Carousel plotting a data set using ellipses of various positions and major/minor diameters. Screenshot of Lua Carousel plotting a bar chart with errorbars.


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Feb 21, 2024
What is best in life?

To reflect at leisure, build when opportunity arises, and hear the appreciation of your peers.


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Feb 20, 2024
A paper computer inside a silicon computer

Probably not a good idea, more like an occupational hazard.


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Feb 16, 2024
Dynamically adjusting the ticks on the x- and y-axis of a plot as I pan around and zoom in and out on a multitouch screen.

Read more on the Lua Carousel devlog.


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Feb 3, 2024
I'm finally frustrated enough with the state of Mastodon search to start implementing my own local archive. If it's ever on my feed, it should be a grep away.

There are performance issues in putting search on the instance that disappear entirely if everyone just archives everything locally (and the archiver doesn't hammer at the instance too much)


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Jan 30, 2024
Try Pong Wars out on your mobile device.

This cute little program has been doing the rounds. Credit: Koen van Gilst; name from this implementation, though I tend to think of it as Yin-Yang for Pong. Maybe Pin-Pong?


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