Dec 2, 2021
Day 3 of #adventofcode is a bust. I found a fatal issue in Teliva: if running the app ever shows an error, I get thrown back to the editor. So I can't see any prints. So my usual strategy of debug by print doesn't work.

So I need to rethink how Teliva displays run-time errors. Now I hazily remember Turbo Pascal having a "press any key to continue" prompt on run-time error.

I did finish after all. An hour into the day, after doing other stuff (going over review jam feedback with Teliva, creating a list of bugs), it occurred to me to get "press any key" by adding just one line of code to Teliva and recompiling. That got me debugging again.

But this video is going to be useless. Across two sessions, I have an hour of me umming and aahing, muttering and swearing.

This post is part of my Freewheeling Apps Devlog.

Comments gratefully appreciated. Please send them to me by any method of your choice and I'll include them here.

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