Dec 18, 2023
A voice recorder you can tweak the source code for, right on your Android phone

Screenshot of Lua Carousel running a voice recorder. Below the standard Lua Carousel menu there's a single button to create a new recording. Below that are recordings  with buttons to record/stop and play.

One little detail here involves Android permissions. I almost ended up asking for microphone permissions in Lua Carousel. Luckily I managed to stop and ask myself what the user experience is. "Hi, I'm Lua Carousel, could I please have access to your mic?" Ick! It seems like a bad idea to ask for a permission for the whole app just in case some single script uses it. Probably affects the conversions from this particular blog post, but I don't want to feel like I'm contributing to the general fatigue over apps asking for permissions. :shrug:

Read more on the Lua Carousel devlog.

This post is part of my Freewheeling Apps Devlog.

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