Dec 22, 2023
Some improvements to my live programming setup

It's been a while since I showed it here, so to recap, this is how my programming environment has looked for most of 2023. It's an infinite surface where you can move each top-level definition independently of the others.

Using it revealed one problem: sometimes definitions would overlap. If the move bar is occluded, I need to move other nodes to find it.

I mulled it over while resisting the urge to build a window manager.

On Dec 10, after some experiments using Lua Carousel I gave my definitions some minimal physics to nudge other definitions away. Lines of code required: 70.

Using this revealed a new problem: it was hard to move one definition around another. More broadly, my UI -- where things mostly stay fixed unless you move them -- now seemed a lot less calm.

Yesterday I made 2 tweaks, and now things seem pretty decent again. This took 30LoC:

  1. Resolve collisions only at the end of a drag. Now moving seems to lift the definition above the surface and set it down at its destination.

    During the drag I show a shadow where any other definitions would get nudged out.

  2. Dropping near the original place resolves no collisions. This lets me change my mind after starting a move. A shadow at the original location helps me give up.

Try it out yourself.

Ooh, the process of writing this up gave me an idea to improve things further. Now I only show the shadow if I would actually move anything aside.

Lines of code: 3

Best #DecemberAdventure yet.

This post is part of my Freewheeling Apps Devlog.

Comments gratefully appreciated. Please send them to me by any method of your choice and I'll include them here.

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