Jun 23, 2007
It is a sad fact that most schools don’t require you to take compilers in order to graduate with a Computer Science degree.


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Jun 23, 2007
The bayonet stems directly from the various forms of polearm. It was obviously inappropriate to have a firearm-bearing soldier encumbered by a pike, yet there was need for a polearm to stand off cavalry.. The original “bayonnette” - the name came from the town of its supposed origin, Bayonne in France - was introduced into the French Army in 1647.


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Jun 23, 2007
Darcs is dead to me. The software itself is broken: you can’t have common operations on large datasets requiring exponential or even polynomial time. Its development process is broken: there is no planning, a constant stream of pet features added, no focus on fixing the real issues. The source code is an unreadable, undocumented mess (and not because it’s in Haskell).


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Jun 23, 2007
One misses nothing that one has never possessed.


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Jun 22, 2007
Don’t focus on getting acquired. That’s like being a single woman who desperately wants to get married.


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Jun 22, 2007
..the interviews are very well-done: they let the programmer speak, yet the interviewer keeps them on track.


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Jun 21, 2007
It is ok to not write code for a while, if that works for you. But inactivity can easily breed paralysis, a form of fear of the blank page.

Vision is important, yes. Necessary, definitely. But there are subtle feedback loops between vision and action. Just standing in one place is often not the best way to exploit vision. Moving a few steps here and there aids depth perception, and helps vision work better.



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Jun 21, 2007
Apparently Indonesia is the biggest market for Nokia.


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Jun 21, 2007
Release as early as you can get away with and attract users.

As more and more people release software, it becomes harder and harder to attract users. The bar on the first release is going up.



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Jun 21, 2007
The barbarian is typically in the thrall of shibboleths ancient as the hills and seeks only to bring his interlocutor into the same bondage. Barbarians are machine guns of propaganda. They are not gentle. They know not conversation. They are, sad to say, taking over the world.
Robert Gary’s barbarians are different from those of Paul Colinvaux. via


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